Jezabeth Roca Gonzalez

Video, Multimedia Installation

Jezabeth Roca González is a multidisciplinary maker and educator working in collaboration with their family. Jezabeth’s multimedia installations make use of video, soil and plants to explore the intimacy of place and the ever-shifting, migratory movement of people between the U.S. and Puerto Rico–known colloquially as El Va y Ven.

Jezabeth implements autobiographical methods to explore the banality of everyday life. They are invested in generating visual records of their own family dynamics, which include themes of generational difference, altered landscape, and the cultures and aesthetics of care. Combining and contrasting the autobiographical with the speculative, Jezabeth constructs video vignettes and builds multiple, parallel realms that question the manner in which colonial legacies shape the land, their own cuirness as an abstraction and the duality inherent in everyday life.


Arien Wilkerson